Roman Catholicism

Part 1- "The Pope"
Part 2- "Water Baptism"
Part 3- "Mary, the Mother of God!?"

Roman Catholic Directory

Billy Graham

The Catholic Chronicles by Keith Green

An Open Letter to CRI(Christian Research Institute)

An Open Letter to ACLJ (American Civil Law and Justice)

Spurgeon comments!

An excellent slide showing that the Roman Catholic Church is the whore of Babylon. It has a few legalistic ideas within the show but most of it is really good...

Mission to Catholics

"The AntiChrist Slideshow" Go to this Page and scroll down a little bit till you come to "The AntiChrist Slideshow" in bright red letters, keep going down till you arrive at the link, click on it and read the information as you scroll down each page in the slideshow.

The Two Babylons
The Papal Worship Proved to be the Worship of Nimrod and His Wife

By the Late Rev. Alexander Hislop

The Jerusalem Council and ECT This little story is to remind you of a present danger, the ECT movement (Evangelicals and Catholics together) not only are Christians mixing with Judaism by way of the law but other Christians are playing with the whore of Babylon, the Roman Catholic Church...

An excellent slide showing that the Roman Catholic Church is the whore of Babylon. It has a few legalistic ideas within the show but most of it is really good...

A video worth your time in watching.


Ekklesia Communicator Main Page